Inventory is an important asset for any organization, so it must be managed properly as it has a direct influence on profit of the business. Inventory Manager 3.2 is an application that helps the organizations manage and control their inventories in a more efficient way. It is one of the best tools that allows the user to keep track of every item related to the inventory management. The tool includes a highly customizable interface and different modules, allowing the user to manage all the data related to goods dealings. Sales Order, Vendors, Purchasing, Customer Order, and Goods receiving modules can be used to maintain sales, vendor’s data, customer data, and billing and shipping information. With its long list of functionalities, the user can create new items in the inventory as well as new orders, view and edit existing orders, create shipping modules for dispatching goods to customers, maintain a list of suppliers and prices of every item and many more. You can view, change and reprint any incomplete order, view a list of inventory items which are below the predefined minimum level, and automatically adjust the quantity of received goods in the inventory list. With many more capabilities, this tool is useful for small- and large-scale businesses.